[WWR2024] ❤️‍🔥 Meet the Day 1 Speakers!

Hi Reader!

I'm so excited to share what's in the works for Wanna Write Romance 2024! You're on the waitlist, so you get an early peek behind the scenes. 🎉

I've been planning this event since February, and it's finally starting to feel real! Registration opens for you (as a VIP on the early-access waitlist) on May 30th.

More on that is coming soon, but first...

❤️‍🔥 What I'm excited about

This 👏 incredible 👏 speaker 👏 lineup!

I haven't yet shared the full schedule with anyone but the speakers, and I'm sharing it with you first!

Here's a peek at Day 1, Thursday June 13th. The theme for Day 1 is "For the Writer (You!)", and it's all about making writing decisions that feel good for you, as a romance writer.

Notice that Jennifer Hilt's photo has an extra little arrow? Her session is a LIVE workshop, and it's going to be dynamite. It's called "What's Love Got to Do With It? Romance, Relationships & Tropes".

To see Jennifer's workshop (or any of the live events), you'll need the upgraded ticket, called the Spark Pass. I'll tell you more about that soon, too.

Open my next update email to see the Day 2 speaker lineup!

🛠️ What I'm working on

The educational session lineup is a combination of pre-recorded interviews & teaching videos + a few live workshops. (There are also social sessions, like daily Happy Hours and networking.)

I recorded thirteen interviews with romance writers and editors who truly known their stuff, and I'm finally in the video editing stage. 🤓 (I will be a video editing pro when this is done!)

👀 A peek behind the scenes

I've been told the front end of this event looks polished and professional, and that is a big relief.

Because here's what my chaos looks like from the back end! 😅

Yes, there are indeed FIVE different drink containers on my desk (and two of them are for wine. 🍷) The stickies are my latest attempt to stay organized. I started out using a neat list in Notion, and it devolved into that mess up there. ☝️ The other 2/3 of the "to do list" stickies are on my wall. This event is a LOT more planning than I expected (and I expected it to be pretty massive).

But it will all be worth it when I see you in virtual person at the conference!

🤗 Invite a friend!

Know a fellow romance writer who would love to attend?

Click the "Invite a friend" link in the signature below. Being on the waitlist gets you not only behind-the-scenes updates, but also early access to apply for some very limited opportunities from our speakers.


For example, Stacy Juba is doing live line-edit critiques of your romance fight scenes (a peek at Day 4). But she can only do a few, and the first people to register will get the first opportunity to apply.

Being on the waitlist gives you a 3-day lead and FIRST access to apply. Once Stacy has what she needs, we'll close down the application form.


More updates coming soon, but mark Thursday May 30th on your calendar! That's your early-access registration day.

❤️ Sue

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Sue Brown-Moore

The heart of your story is in the hero's growth as a person. Learn how to start plotting the RIGHT story from your very first draft by digging deep into WHAT is holding your protagonist back and WHY they choose to become their best self. Sue's techniques break down storytelling in simple, intuitive ways that traditional writing methods often muddy. Stop wasting time spinning your creative wheels and start writing stories readers will remember... WITHOUT having to rewrite the story a million times.

Read more from Sue Brown-Moore
A quote about the power of community in the romance genre

Hi Reader! 1092 ☝️ That is the number of romance writers registered for Wanna Write Romance 2024 as of this morning. 🤯 48 ☝️ That is the number of countries represented by our attendees. 🤯🤯🤯 Oh my... holy... what the... YA'LL!! 🤗🥰💝 Get your FREE ticket here ⏰ (Sessions start TOMORROW!) Not a romance writer? ❌ Click here to opt out of all the emails about the Wanna Write Romance 2024 virtual conference. (No worries, you'll still get my regular emails.) This is the first event like this I have...

Hi Reader! Remember a few weeks ago when I told you that something BIG was coming, something just for romance writers? 💃 Well today, I am doing a big, loud happy dance, because Wanna Write Romance is finally open for registration!! 💃 Register for FREE here! Not a romance writer? ❌ Click here to opt out of all the emails about the Wanna Write Romance 2024 virtual conference. (No worries, you'll still get my regular emails.) Wanna Write Romance is the online conference for romance writers who...

Hi Reader! Registration opens in just three days. 🤯 Where did the last few months go?! I know today is a holiday for many of you, so I'll keep this intro short and sweet! If you missed a previous update... 👉 Click here to meet the Day 1 speakers 👉 Click here to meet the Day 2 speakers ❤️🔥 What I'm excited about Day 3 is PACKED with learning and networking. Between every session, you'll have the opportunity to drop by the Ignite Lounge and network with your fellow romance writers (and some of...