What the heck is an πŸš€ "accelerator" (and what makes mine special)?

Hi Reader!

I've mentioned my "accelerator" program for published romance writers a few times lately, but sometimes lingo just leaves us feeling lost...

PS!! Not a published romance writer? You can opt out of these special offer emails and still stay on my list! Scroll to the bottom and click the link with the ❌.

So what the heck is an accelerator and how can mine help you become a more efficient writer?

The Story Sorcery Intensive is a 10-week group coaching program where I personally spend time with you and a small handful of authors who are at your same publishing experience level to set up the framework of your chosen romance book manuscript.

Why just the "framework" of my story?

This program takes the place of a full developmental edit. And being in this accelerator is better than getting a one-on-one private edit from me.

Because I don't just give you revision advice. I show you how to think the way *I* do. So you can pre-edit your own stories with the depth and clarity that a professional developmental editor would.


That's why I call it an accelerator. Because once you learn to think like I do, you'll carry that knowledge and experience forward to every new manuscript you write.

Which means that you'll write better stories fasterβ€”even in the planning phaseβ€”and you'll get even more out of the edits and critiques you invest in for future stories.

So what makes Story Sorcery special?

My psychology-based approach to developmental editing is unique in the book coaching space. I'm not a plot-beats drill instructor. I don't get in your way or tell you MUST do this or CAN'T do that.


You're a published writer, so you know your own brand and business best. My job (and my absolute pleasure and privilege!) is to help you find the most efficient way to set up your story in the first draft so you can have a smoother publishing process than ever before.

And what works for someone else may not work for you. So you need personal feedback and insight as you structure your story idea (or revise an existing manuscript).


How do I know if this is right for me?

While most of my other programs and courses can help writers of the general character-driven genres, πŸ’˜ this one is only for romance writers who have published at least one romance book.

❌ So if that's not you, click this link, and I won't bug you about it again.

❌ Or if you know Story Sorcery isn't right for you right now, click this link (and you won't see my other emails about the Fall session).

But if you ARE excited about the idea of getting personal help with your story and being part of a small group of like-minded romance writers and editors, learn more about the program and fill out an application:

Enrollment closes next Wednesday, August 30th, and there are only a few spots available!

The Fall session runs from Tuesday, September 5th through Friday, November 10th and costs $1200 per person. Get more details on the info page!

(Got a friend this would be perfect for? Pass along that info link! https://hi.suebrownmoore.com/StorySorcery2023)



Sue Brown-Moore

Story Revision Coach for writers of character-driven fiction

​Website | Instagram | Facebook​


❌ PS - If the Story Sorcery program is NOT a good fit for you and you don’t want to receive these emails anymore, either click this link to opt out of only these emails. That way I won’t be bugging you after you’ve already made a decision. 😊

Sue Brown-Moore

The heart of your story is in the hero's growth as a person. Learn how to start plotting the RIGHT story from your very first draft by digging deep into WHAT is holding your protagonist back and WHY they choose to become their best self. Sue's techniques break down storytelling in simple, intuitive ways that traditional writing methods often muddy. Stop wasting time spinning your creative wheels and start writing stories readers will remember... WITHOUT having to rewrite the story a million times.

Read more from Sue Brown-Moore
A quote about the power of community in the romance genre

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