
Sue Brown-Moore

🔥 Black Friday Deals INSIDE! (+ the special waitlist bonus revealed)

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader!

[Black Friday Week Deal emails are headed your way soon. Don't want to see them? Click here to opt out of just the Black Friday offers.]

Is it just me, or are you feeling the draaaag of Fall too? I love the holidays—the colors, the lights, the festive atmosphere—but dang is it draining!

By the time 2024 rolls around, I am going to need a serious rejuv, but for now, I (we?) must carry on! 😅

I've already set my power word for next year: EMPOWER... (What the heck does that mean? More exciting deets in January!)

So I'm starting my mission to empower you to write your best draft in the fewest rewrites RIGHT NOW.

Every deal I'm offering during Black Friday week is designed to inspire, motivate, and guide you through making strategic, meaningful storytelling decisions in your drafting and revision work.

Most of these deals will only be around for ONE DAY.

But YOU are on the waitlist, so you're already ahead of the curve! *high five* 😊

Wanna see the deals (and how much they'll cost?)

The special waitlist bonus is...

Earlier this week, I mentioned that I'll send a special bonus to anyone who joins the waitlist, then buys ANY of my five deals during Black Friday Week.

All you have to do to qualify is:

  1. Click the Preview button above (or just click here)
  2. Purchase any deal during my November 20-24 Black Friday Week sale.

That's it! I'll email you your Dev Edit Prep Guide & Workbook on Tuesday, November 28th.

I decided on this particular bonus because developmental edits are my specialty, and I know how hard they can be to prepare for and work through emotionally (and psychologically). 😰

This special training is something I developed for my personal editing clients but haven't shared publicly... until now. This workbook gives you the tools you need to manage your stress while your editor is assessing your story. And for this special offer—as your bonus with purchase—it's 100% free.

But if you want to grab my bonus Dev Edit Prep Guide & Workbook for free, you have to be on the waitlist for my Black Friday Week Deals. So click here to let me know you're interested!

Are you doing NaNo? Struggling with the word count?

Today is final day of my 10-week program, The Story Intensive. (We might be having our graduation party as you read this!) It has been a whirlwind and an amazing experience. I am so grateful to the authors and editors who joined and so proud of the incredible progress they have made during our 10 weeks together.

One of the authors, Hollie Smurthwaite, has participated in NaNo for many years, and she shared some excellent advice with the group. I asked Hollie if I could share it with you too, and she (of course) said yes.

So here's a quick round-up of tips from a NaNo pro:

  • Your word count doesn't have to come from only your scenes. You can count any work you do on your story—character descriptions, scene planning, dialogue strings, brainstorming snippets, etc—toward your daily word count.
  • Allow yourself the freedom of flexibility. If you write extra words today, you can give yourself a break tomorrow. You don't have to stick to a rigorous schedule.
  • NaNo is a great time to find community (look for the write-ins, both in person and on Zoom)
  • If you need accountability, the NaNo dashboard has a graph and buddy system
  • Consider setting up daily rewards for yourself when you meet your word count goal (like getting to watch your favorite tv program or spending an extra hour reading a book for pleasure)

Hollie also has a fantastic newsletter (which is practically a masterclass in how to set up a nurturing welcome sequence). You can subscribe to it here and experience the magic for yourself, or just pop over to her website and learn more about what she writes.


Sue Brown-Moore

Story Revision Coach for writers of character-driven fiction

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Scrolled to the bottom? Here's a recap:

Sue Brown-Moore

Professional storysmith & fiction book coach

The heart of your story is in the hero's growth as a person. Learn how to start plotting the RIGHT story from your very first draft by digging deep into WHAT is holding your protagonist back and WHY they choose to become their best self. Sue's techniques break down storytelling in simple, intuitive ways that traditional writing methods often muddy. Stop wasting time spinning your creative wheels and start writing stories readers will remember... WITHOUT having to rewrite the story a million times.

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